‘Saksham Anganwadi and Poshan 2.0’ has Three Sub Schemes:

  1. Anganwadi Services (Integrated Child Development Scheme - ICDS)


Anganwadi Services (now renamed as Saksham Anganwadi and Poshan 2.0) is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme implemented by States/UTs providing a package of six services, namely, 

(i)    Supplementary Nutrition; 

(ii) Pre-school Non-formal Education following Early Childhood Care & Education Curriculum; 

(iii)  Nutrition & Health Education; 

(iv)  Immunization; 

(v)   Health Check-up; and 

(vi)  Referral Services has been provided to all eligible beneficiaries, namely, children in the age group of 0-6 years, pregnant women and lactating mothers through the platform of Anganwadi Centres across the country. Three of the services viz. Immunization, Health Check-up and Referral Services are related to health and are provided through convergence with Health & Family Welfare Department.


Supplementary Nutrition Food provided under Anganwadi Services: -


1. Rice

9. Sugar

2. Masoor Dal

10. Fresh Milk

3. Micro nutrients Fortified Wheat Flour

11. Vitamin B.Complex Syrup 

4. High Protein Soya Noodles

12. Calcium Tablets

5. High protein Soya Biscuits

13. Multi Vitamins for Pregnant Women

6. Energy Dense Fortified Food

14. Double Fortified Salt (DFS fortified with Iron and Iodine)

7. Ground Nuts

15. Edible Oil (Fortified with Vitamin A and D)

8. Motor Chana

16. Locally available foods


Early Childhood Care and Education:


The Government of India approved the National Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) Policy in 2013. The Policy commits to universal access to quality early childhood education to all children under six years of age. The vision of the policy is to“achieve holistic development and active learning capacity of all children below six years of age by promoting free, universal, inclusive, equitable, joyful and contextualised opportunities for laying foundation and attaining full potential.”


  • Skill Training on ECCE completed on 11th-15th Feb, 2013 at NIPCCD.
  • Teachings and Learnings provided in AWCs are based on ECCE Curriculum
  • Preparation of Revised ECCE Curriculum based on New Education Policy is completed. 
  • Revised ECCE Curriculum is submitted for printing.

ECCE FINAL With NEW Cover & Thuhmahruai (1).pdf

Aadhaar Enrolment:


The Department of Women & Child Development Mizoram has been accredited       asa Registrar for Aadhaar Enrollment in 2017. The department has actively undertaken the project to enable and equipped all 27 Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) offices to be able to serve as Aadhaar Enrollment Centre.


  • Operators onsite training conducted for 2 days on 17th – 18th May 2022
  • Devices purchased and distributed to 27 ICDS Project Offices (Desktops,Laptops,Iris Scanners,Finger Print Scanners,Document Scanner,Webcams,Printers)
  • Each ICDS Project has 2 (two) Aadhaar Operators.
  • Aadhaar Operators are also deployed on field for Aadhaar Enrolment. 
  • Enrolment drive started in 2017 but discontinued due to pandemic. 
  • Enrolment drive started again in June 2022.
  • Low enrolment rate below 5yrs beneficiaries are mainly due to 1) Unavailability of approved documents for enrolment. 2) Religious elements and 3) Residing in remote villages


  1. Total No. of Aadhaar Generated from June to Nov 2022 = 7876


  1. Total Fund Sanctioned by UIDAI = Rs. 365150
  2. The entire fund is released to Operators as per performance.